Get your point across quickly with short video advertisements

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When it comes to business, social media is a great way to advertise the products and services that you can offer. You can do this a variety of ways, however, recently there has definitely been an explosion in visual marketing.
It is no secret that a video is one of the best way to grab attention, but what you may not realise is that these videos don’t have to be epic creations. In fact, they could simply be short and snappy snippets!
Best of all, it isn’t only YouTube that you can now upload videos to. A number of social media platforms are now suitable for uploading videos to.
Here at Amey & Co we have put together our guide to creating the ultimate short videos to boost your business marketing methods on social media!
Create a how to
One of the easiest types of short videos to create is one that showcases how to use your product. Not only does it solve a problem that they may face, but it also draws attention to what you have to offer your customers.
Show off what you can do
Are you a one man band with a bit of a talent? Singer, actress, even a voice over artist? Why not use a short video snippet to show off just what you are capable of? You never know whose attention you might grab!
Advertise an event
Do you have a big event coming up that you want to promote? Why not create a short video that tells people just what to expect? You can give some brief details of the event (such as that rather important date and time) and draw people into agreeing to come!
Unveil a new product
Have you spent time designing and producing a new product? If you have then chances are that you will want to unveil it to the world with a flourish. Why not create a little video that tells the world all about what you are just about to release? It will create a buzz and a bit of excitement about your new release.
Let people see behind the scenes
A customer loves to see what happens behind the scenes in a business. So why not make a little video that lets them have an insight into what happens on a day to day basis? Having this personal touch may just be the extra push that some of your prospective clients need to become a fully fledged customer!
There are a number of ways that you can use a short video to create a buzz about your business on social media. If you are not sure where to start, or what to have in your video, why not get in touch today and let us help you find the way of the video!